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Dog in Cone

Spay/Neuter Information

What to expect when you're NOT expecting

When should I spay or neuter my pet?

Cats: 6 months of age - sometimes earlier if declawing

Dogs: Many clients are choosing to wait until 8-9 months of age or older. Let's talk!

What's next?

We can schedule your pet's surgery during your appointment, or we can put a reminder in our computer system to contact you at a later date to schedule your pet's procedure.


Our medical staff will schedule your pet's surgery date alongside a pre-op appointment the week prior to your pet's procedure. 

What's a pre-op visit, and why do I want one?

You and your pet will meet with one of our veterinary technicians to get a current weight and vitals, discuss any impending issues, and typically collect blood to prepare for your pet's procedure. At that time, we can also review a treatment plan, answer any questions, and may dispense some calming medications for your pet to take the morning of his/her scheduled procedure.

Pre-op technician visit and pre-op calming medications are included in the surgical fee.

Labwork is at an additional cost.


This visit will serve to expedite your pet's admission into our hospital on the day of surgery. Testing performed prior to the day of surgery can eliminate extra trips when surgeries need to be delayed or medication dispensed for discovered medical reasons. 

What do I do to prepare the night before surgery?

Do NOT offer your pet a full feeding after midnight.


Do NOT withhold water. Your pet can continue to drink water up until the morning of surgery.


Get some rest! We will do everything to ensure your pet has a safe and seamless day.

What happens the day of surgery?

As soon as you get up, please give the calming medications (with a small treat if needed). Medications should be given at least two hours before you leave home. 


You can admit your pet into our hospital the morning of surgery at the scheduled check in time. Be sure to discuss any questions you have with the doctor or technician. Now is the time to ask!


Your pet will recover and go home with an E-collar provided as part of your surgery fee. Owners who choose to purchase other collars should bring these items at check in.


Pets not present for a pre-op visit may have bloodwork drawn at this time. 


Your pet will receive a presurgical assessment with our doctor and be premedicated for surgery to provide pain control and relaxation. This allows us to decrease stress and use less anesthesia in our patients. 


Your pet's procedure will typically take place by 1pm. You should be available during this time in case we have questions for you. Our doctor will typically call (or text) clients with recovery news after all procedures for that morning have been completed. 


Feel free to call for updates about your pet during his/her stay!


You will pick up your pet at a scheduled time later that same day (unless declawing). Leave time to go over written instructions with our technician regarding after care for your pet.  


Owners with schedule conflicts can leave pets the night before OR after surgery at no additional charge. 

Follow-up care

It is important for your pet to rest as prescribed in your written go home instructions. We can dispense medications for pets needing to be calmed further (this is at an additional charge). Many owners find their pet is not nearly as sedate as anticipated. Dog owners, this is where that crate training comes in handy!


Ask us about our post-op boarding option for owners who would rather not manage medications and E-collars. 


If your pet has stitches, your pet will come back to the hospital in 1-2 weeks for suture removal with our Veterinary Nurse. This suture removal is included in your pet's surgical fee.


Always call if you have concerns! Should we need to address complications related to the surgery (i.e. infection, swelling, etc.) additional visits and treatments may be needed and are at an additional charge. We can schedule additional visits in the hospital or via TeleVet, our telecommunication app.

Remember: Most of these things can be avoided with proper rest and restriction!

My pet is neutered/spayed. Now what?

You'll hear from our medical staff throughout this time in you pet's life. Plan on us contacting you 3 months (the time for most hormones to decline in your pet's system) after your pet's procedure to address you pet's changing needs as he/she matures. You may have questions regarding diet, behavior, wellness care, and prevention or any number of life changes. You may also choose to address these questions at you pet's next scheduled veterinary visit. 

We want to see you through all stages in your pet's life! Never hesitate to call us with questions or concerns regarding your furry friend! There's a lot to expect... even when you're not expecting!

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6574 W State Route 73

Wilmington, OH 45177


For general information, questions, appointment requests, call us at:

Tel:  (937) 382-7387



Monday                      8:00am - 6:00pm

Tuesday                      8:00am - 6:00pm

Wednesday                8:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday                    8:00am - 6:00pm

Friday                          8:00am - 6:00pm

Saturday/Sunday     Closed


We accept walk-in veterinary visits Mon-Fri from 9:00AM-1:00PM.

*We ask that walk-in clients call ahead if possible and typically require that they be checked-in by noon

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